Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Growing Your hair?

well it's more like a stupid question, but I cut my hair short 3-4 months ago, and now it's around an inch below the chin, and it's a little annoying. And I want to grow it out.

But at the same time, I don't want to use money to buy products especially for this you know?

I heard that washing your hair often make it grow faster, and I don't want to use my shampoo everyday...what a waste. So I'm asking is: does just rising ur hair everyday makes it grow faster too? Or is there another simple way?

Growing Your hair?

No products will make healthy hair grow faster. If you are very ill, and your hair has been affected, vitamins will help. Washing your hair more often than weekly will damage your hair, possibly causing it to break off.

Hair grows at 1/2" a month, for 6" a year.

If it keeps bothering you at this length, use clips or bobby pins to hold it back.

Growing Your hair?

It just occurred to me -if there was something that made hair grow faster, there would be a huge commercial to advertise it, and it would cost a fortune! Report It

Growing Your hair?

just trim every 8 weeks to grow once you get it to the length you want trim every six to maintain

Growing Your hair?

I thought it was using conditioner every day is bad for your hair and it takes away the natural oils.I could be wrong but I would think you would still want to shampoo your hair every day.

Remember the rule.Long hair dont care.

Growing Your hair?

No do not over shampoo your hair. It'll give you dandruff. If you live in a warm climate, your hair grows faster in the summer. I know your problem. Me too, me too. I massage my head a lot to get the blood circulating. And Magnesium %26amp; Zinc help too. I'm on magnesium. :] Well good luck to the both of us. Mine is just getting to my shoulders. I'm trying to grow out all the layers!

Growing Your hair?

Washing hair does not grow it faster or slower. Hair grows on average about an inch a month but a persons age and health can make it grow faster or slower than that.

Growing Your hair?

Okayy i have the best solution and you dont have to go anywhere to buy it. Just use your daily shampoo and massage the shampoo onto your scalp. My hair dresser told me doing this helps your hair grow much faster! Good luck!! :)


Growing Your hair?

Its rumor that it grows faster. Its seriously not true. I have tried it before like testing it out and it doesn't make a difference. I wouldn't waste the shampoo or the water.

Growing Your hair?

take pre-natal vitamins. it makes your hair and nails grow super fast! not washing it alot done NOT help. and dont use shitty shampoo and condiotioner

Growing Your hair?

Most of my friends have long hair and I`ve got hair to my waist now after when I was 14yrs old cutting it ear level.14 years later I wonder how did I do it breading your hair or what little you have helps grow faster.For now just buy a small clip and pull it back do it different ways too.the more you play with it helps.Do not use hairspray it kills the hair.Some people I know only wash their hair once a week. That`s just a little gross for me but you owe oils are the best for you hair so don`t ever use to much shampoo.

Growing Your hair?

growing ur hair just takes a matter of time! if you think your hair is annoying then tie it back or use lots of clips. or u could always keep cutting your hair so it stays the same length and neva gets annoying! !!! good luck hope this helps

Growing Your hair?

well i don't no of any simple way

but just take good care of ur hair

use natural products

Growing Your hair?

I have a list of good and fresh websites on Hair growth products and free tips.

Its a policy voilation of yahoo if i post any link here.

Just mail me at kelli1132@yahoo.com with subjet Hair growth . I will send a link of best website where you can find best deals.

Best wishes

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