Friday, June 18, 2010

HELP! I cut off all my friends hair while she was sleeping!?

Okay well, my friend is spending like a week at my house, and shes been bugging me and we got in this fight...Anyways she fell asleep its like 2 AM here- and I cut off like all her hair- its shorter than her ears! I also shaved off her eyebrows and wrote all over her face in sharpie. She hasnt woken up or anything- I dont know what Im going to say- I was just really mad!

HELP! I cut off all my friends hair while she was sleeping!?

First of all, that is really rude, disrespectful and flat out cruel. When she wakes up tell her that you just had to get your feelings out. Tell her that you will help her in everyway shape or form to help her cover it up. tell her that it will grow back and that the sharpie will definitley come off after a lot of scrubbing with the help of you. THAT WAS STILL VERY RUDE and she might not forgive you but you have to help her to even get a chance. That was not fair to her and she has the right to mad at you and doing something rude to you. You should definitley have a taste of your own medicine. KARMA!!!! Just letting you know whats comin towards ya.

HELP! I cut off all my friends hair while she was sleeping!?


does it AMUSE you to kid around like that?

why don't you go lick your blue pussy and shove it.

i hope one day, you'll cut your friends hair,

and she'll go hunt you down.

cheers. Report It

HELP! I cut off all my friends hair while she was sleeping!?

what effect were u after when u even considered posting this question there's something going on in your stupid stupid brain u must be bored, and wasting peoples time get off this site u dumb ***. Report It

HELP! I cut off all my friends hair while she was sleeping!?

No one is going to take you seriously. Stop faking. It is rude that some people might of had some sympathy for you. Evil. Maybe you should read the story the boy who cried wolf. Report It

HELP! I cut off all my friends hair while she was sleeping!?

I don't know, but she's going to absolutely tear your hair out.

You can't really say much else, you'll have to admit it. She's probably never going to speak to you again, I know if my friend did that to me I would never speak to her again.

Let us know what happens!

HELP! I cut off all my friends hair while she was sleeping!?

wow i wish someone would do that to me!

i would BEAT the SHyt outtof them

u bettah get ready cuz she bout to whoop your asz,

she is about to tear your a ss up!


i cant belive u would do that,

its inescusable!

i hope your jokin!

HELP! I cut off all my friends hair while she was sleeping!?

Oh wow well your not only going to get it from her but from your parents and hers get ready for it i dont know what you could possibly say other then sorry but that isnt really going to rectify the situation you might have to buy her a wig

HELP! I cut off all my friends hair while she was sleeping!?

Mm, it's time to get off Yahoo!Answers and make a run for it.

HELP! I cut off all my friends hair while she was sleeping!?

You know this isn't even funny,, you need your teeth knocked down your throat just as soon as she gets done cutting your hair !!

HELP! I cut off all my friends hair while she was sleeping!?

That was awful what you did. Just because she made you mad doesn't mean that you cut off all of her hair. I would watch out if i was you cause she is going to retaliate for this and might do the same thing to you. You should have just talk out your problems with her not have go crazy with the scissors. You also are probably going to lose a friend. But since you already did this then tell her exactly why you did this "Because i was just really mad!"

HELP! I cut off all my friends hair while she was sleeping!?

R U SERIOUS??? wat a horrible friend

HELP! I cut off all my friends hair while she was sleeping!?

That was extremely rude and inconsiderate of you. No matter how bad the fight, that was just inexcusable.

You need to apologize right to her face and no matter how angry she gets you have no right to get angry back. It's just plain rude!



HELP! I cut off all my friends hair while she was sleeping!?

you need your *** beat but i dont know what to tell you but if I was her i you would be mad

HELP! I cut off all my friends hair while she was sleeping!?

Call a psychologist to be there when she wakes up and let her/him tell her that you are crazy....

You must have watched "Garden State" ---if not, then you should. The same thing happened in that movie. buy at for your friend. and a few extra copies because you are going to be looking for some new friends....

HELP! I cut off all my friends hair while she was sleeping!?

wow thats a crazy story....well you have to tell her you did it and next time you get mad dont have a scissor in your hand.

HELP! I cut off all my friends hair while she was sleeping!?

When she wakes up give her something like a gift. Tell her you will pay for extensions and will buy her the supplies to draw on her own eyebrows or get a hairdresser to fix it. Tell her how you felt and whatever happens, don't let her run out of the house or she might never talk to you. Offer to do anything for her and pay for everything she needs to fix herself. Keep in mind that she might never forgive you. Good Luck and let me know what happens! ( add me )

HELP! I cut off all my friends hair while she was sleeping!?

that girl at your house you dirty!you no what if it was me when i get up i'll beat the hell out of aint no kind of friend girl you dont do **** like that cut that girl hair damn you dirty.let me go cause am getting upset.

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